Monday, August 27, 2012

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Now the weapon.
The U.S. war in the island of New Guinea seems very easy the Japanese is almost Yichujikui, very let the direction of the U.S. military the world light hand, other countries quickly goes, within two days, three thousand soldiers on board the New Guinea Island, the successor forces are still a steady stream came.
In New Guinea, the joint forces had seen the world audience can see no difference in the Korean peninsula, the Japanese launched an addition to their own human genocide the killing of undifferentiated This time, the people opted for silence moment of silence for the victims, only the United States and Britain are still hard to publicize the results and to encourage young people to join forces so that they can have more manpower good to go into battle in Southeast Asia.
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However, it is proved that sometimes good advice is to grate on the ear.
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Aircraft in the sky, landing troops wiped away everything, so the U.S. Army and blatantly rapid march on the radar seems to have found something that Americans take a closer look, the fleet appeared in front of an unprecedented Mech Warrior.
Mechs culture of the Japanese favorite, but never got the news that they have completed the development of the Mech Warrior, the Americans has been thought that this guy will be encountered in such a remote place, the Japanese why not in the Korean War. it?
These problems can not help them to consider the dual but immediately exchanged fire.
Those Mech Warrior is about 3 meters high, the body camouflage, the round circle of the brain, angular guy in the animation is not the same.
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The armor of the strong force so that the U.S. led coalition military frightened, they can only step by step in the aircraft under the protection of the camp walked countries outside the United States began to retreat, not Jianpian Yi.
The U.S. war in tight when Chinese troops finally to north-south pincer attack Exhibition

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Monday, August 13, 2012

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Friday, August 10, 2012

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Monday, August 6, 2012

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

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