Saturday, October 27, 2012

north face jackets for men under fierce attack of the enemy tanks

A few tanks, tracer bullets hit the enemy fire, mainly wheat ladder Stewart Hit the 14 rounds, but competition does not cause fatal effect,north face jackets for men, the only effect is worn out a little armor!
The major threat to our military tanks from the German field artillery, some of which field gun was actually occupied exposed positions to direct fire. Dive bombing enemy also infantry head, but this did not cause much trouble to our army tanks only one, two bombs in a wheat ladder Stewart after the explosion of the tank next to the tank bombing turn, make the car long injuries killed. otherwise a bomb after the explosion, a light tank on thrown to approximately 15 ft (4.6m) air!
The war German commander Army Major General Rommel (Rommel), Rommel statement also confirmed that the lack of performance on the 37mm anti-tank gun:
Proved, we can quickly expand anti-tank guns, too light, so that can not deal with British tanks with heavy armor protection. Majority of these anti-tank guns, the enemy suppress fire shooting, along with the gunner loss the ability to fight and then, British tanks rolled pieces our military of a large number of vehicles were burned, friends and neighbors of the SS troops, under fierce attack of the enemy tanks, forced southward retreat. Finally, relying on divisional field artillery and some 88mm antiaircraft artillery even before they succeed to stop enemy tanks in the south of Bilan Si - Agni (Beaurains-Agny), first-line, the battle, the division is a field artillery destroyed 28 tanks, antiaircraft artillery eliminated heavy tanks and seven light tanks.
In this battle, the anti-aircraft artillery hit tanks to the success of General Rommel himself is not without impact, two years after the battle of the West African desert, he had to use these 88mm anti-aircraft guns made more glorious victories.
Proved by the French campaign, 37mm anti-tank gun has is no longer a good weapon, Germany immediately began to implement a development plan the design of the scheme was ready just yet to move into the production for ready,north face pink ribbon. meantime, 37mm cannon has also been improved, and it produces a better performance of the anti-tank shells, large muzzle velocity of such bullets, armor-piercing increased by 30% more powerful than the standard shells appear in the new type of artillery before taken such a transitional approach is reasonable. Fortunately, German armored combat from the second half of 1940 to the first half of 1941, a period of relative calm, their hands 37mm gun defects in performance is temporarily masked the past.
And 37mm anti-tank gun used in conjunction with weapons infantry Pzb 38 anti-tank gun, called the 1938 anti-tank gun about this unique structure of anti-tank weapons, in the book in the first chapter as introduced such weapons, popular soldiers welcome, it should be said, at least in until its invalidity thoroughly exposed, popular soldiers welcome with the Germans, like many other equipment, such weapons also

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