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Breeze blowing the leaves came rustling sound, as if like a moving song, Youde came, he closed his eyes, drink in this moment of quiet, and does not know when he was actually taken out of his own bamboo flute slowly blow out, Xiaoyin curl such as smoke filled the air, like a phosphorescent little pouring cardiac Lake above, although no perfusion with infuriating, far Dangkai, hear dominate Hills could not help but static down, listen to this burst of Xiaoyin.
That burst Xiaoyin curl came With Aoxue mood change, so that all will change with the mood Aoxue their feelings.
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She has come when Aoxue blowing xiao, just quietly standing before press Aoxue body, ears and listen to those this burst like mountains Quan general Xiaoyin mountains whisper, the sound of insects, birds and animals, sparkling lake, the sound of water Miaomiao, bamboo elegant, white clouds, and she seems to feel the fragrance of the soil in the mountains, so leisurely quiet, as comes in the valley of flowers in full bloom, this person actually has such a feeling of life moving breath she could not help but feel a burst moved, could not help but burst into tears.
Only slowly Xiaoyin was filled with rage mean, armored cavalry, blood spatter, faint with a carnage of the world, in the eyes of one fierce vicious anger with Xiaoyin came, people could not help lived burst of palpitations, Aoxue moods With Xiaoyin exhaustively show, she just know he's feeling at the moment.
Until the Xiaoyin down when parked, Shang Xiuxun just find yourself actually cold sweat drenched Ao-xue the eyes softly at Shang Xiuxun, smiled at her, her heart flurry, do not know which kinds of feelings come from tiny hands could not help but stir to get yourself the iceberg.
Touching charm, so her daughter home a little trick in this full of British Gas, the girl who has indescribable Aoxue looked at her posture, Painting, seen for many days, she looks a little skinny, again in his mind burst dough is a pity to see the Shang Xiuxun hearts burst hurriedly, seems to deer in beating.
Gentle eyes like spring sunshine, warm sprinkle to, Shang Xiuxun chest deer slammed beating, only to feel the front of men's eyes and seems to cast into the lake of her heart for a fire blazing up .
Her a dress, with a weekday warrior clothing to differ materially from the robes wind rhythm, body lithe wind, just the body of one Bo

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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That chieftains deeply watching this group look fortitude, in the face of impending death but without touching partner, could not help feeling angry, who exudes a strong momentum, facing the crowd and said: Fiery war began burning in the eyes of everyone, suddenly, the murderous group of special elite becomes one that is difficult to distinguish from each other the whole show amazing rapport, so that all that the enemy appalled .
This enemy is the most terrible.
Zhang Liao the hearts awe-inspiring, at the same time, he also sought the more to know in front of the army in the end is how trained.
One's momentum clearly par, his behind soldiers still Shasheng to the skies, but the lack of momentum, Zhang Liao immediately high shouted: This phrase is a presence of soldiers are dealing and Wu Anguo and Xu Huang Lu Bu, watching these three countries battle the majesty of the body in the Red Rabbit immediately, immediately filled with the pride of the sky, all turned to look at that murderous With 's raised more fuel Fangtianhuaji increasingly strong!
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In this case, the outside can not be compared to the level of well-trained eunuch loud voice resounded: No matter what the shouting, but tell everyone the fact that Li people are like a quote plaster-like paste at heart, very happy, especially to see to walk out from the side door, Die birds Fan Yinghua, her back to the wistful the door looked between lightning and swarmed an idea: they want to fight these bandits surrender?
Shortly after, Lee Sang long rate people Jiejia see a sit wheelchair elderly at the end of his more than sixty years old, Manmianhongguang, the jaw next cluster long white beard floating in the chest, hale and hearty, flatbed the legs on the cross, a golden-headed scepter.
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Saturday, October 27, 2012

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The war German commander Army Major General Rommel (Rommel), Rommel statement also confirmed that the lack of performance on the 37mm anti-tank gun:
Proved, we can quickly expand anti-tank guns, too light, so that can not deal with British tanks with heavy armor protection. Majority of these anti-tank guns, the enemy suppress fire shooting, along with the gunner loss the ability to fight and then, British tanks rolled pieces our military of a large number of vehicles were burned, friends and neighbors of the SS troops, under fierce attack of the enemy tanks, forced southward retreat. Finally, relying on divisional field artillery and some 88mm antiaircraft artillery even before they succeed to stop enemy tanks in the south of Bilan Si - Agni (Beaurains-Agny), first-line, the battle, the division is a field artillery destroyed 28 tanks, antiaircraft artillery eliminated heavy tanks and seven light tanks.
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Monday, August 27, 2012

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To be honest, Kunbo operational efficiency of their own men or fairly satisfied with the financial and logistical reasons had to withdrawal from the cloud, the wealth of fish in the cloud completely sufficient to offset the consumption of the last sent troops to the south, which not only let His Majesty is quite satisfactory, even Tallinn that at any time overcast with a face like a guy like others owe him debt is also a rare exposed Jisi smile, this battle play value, just the wide praise of the rich fields to give up some Unfortunately, this can are more and no less than the Kingdom of the southern plantation owners are seen as the lifeblood of fertilizers, in accordance with His Majesty's words, if to get the auction market, those aristocratic landowners may not grab crazy, but unfortunately the good times not long, such a good thing even so in vain to give up this to let Kunbo this depressed for a long time.
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Kunbo through various channels have learned quite a strong the Xijiang military combat effectiveness, to take and pay for their front of Carmen, and as much as their own elite, do not know Kaman is in order to emphasize that they lost reason or other, Kunbo total some doubts, the Tanghe Empire Second Corps should be Tanghe the military elite of the elite army clash with their own hands to defeat the few negative and more, he did not believe Lee nfl army combat effectiveness but also more than these two corps, but one thing is certain, Kaman people being beaten, whether they are taken by means or in situations in which to do this, certainly not weak, Kunbo great clear.
after the messenger's report, step forward, interrupted by deadpan Marshal

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Saturday, June 30, 2012

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Sapporo away on the River is not far, just take a look on the back, then it is simply impossible for a long time, so Kameda column to find I leave must be because of the need for a long time to stay here, this is clearly his father has been ill. Read the first of Kameda column in my hospital performance, I go to the hospital, let the Asano Sachiko to buy some flowers and gifts, and then the Kameda column, led down to his father's ward.
The old man's condition does not seem to be very heavy, to when he is speaking patients and the adjacent bed. Saw us come in, the old man surprised a moment, then a look of angry, pointing to the Kameda column cursed: 'You bastard, to do with these guys? You want to now put the death of me you? '
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'This old guy is too arrogant, I kindly came to visit him, he dare insult me, you said I should be disposed of? 'I am cold voice as if from underground drill out the same, if not at the house of people less, I will never let go.
'Sorry, president, my father was older, a bit confused, you do not mind. 'Kameda column means of clearly can see that I was so angry, so the sound appears to be very weak.
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Monday, June 25, 2012

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The office ladies did not say anything, she admit one to start their own small saw each other in the bottom of my heart, he does have his unique place in this matter of the athletics competition, his vision is wider than her.
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Thought of the resemblance to his idol looks pretty is this fat man's girlfriend, Zhang Shuo is tempting to want to make her shot tube a: the Luo ah, I say you are content with the point With Iverson you should every day Buddha would also like to, but also out of love affairs? was accidentally struck by lightning ... Zhang Shuo be considered to understand the point of moral integrity to the Luo fat estimated the future must be around your mouth the Lord, and he did not feel it looks pretty obvious. My idol is more than the poor, how much people care ... Keke, as if bit crooked, and other people's chores or not multi-barrel have disarray.
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Summer teacher would like to travel with the team to go to the game, but the school has not been a holiday, tied up, so veiled criticism: in mind.
Xiaxue Yan flat mouth and said: Blossoming things full winter grid, it does not know she had a man awful bizarre, at least compared to the outsider, she is clearly to sow the winter grid which say otherwise Zhang Shuo righteous sister so considerate care, she did not vinegar turned God, that is, because here's the reason she only endured bad attack.
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Grid do not go to school in winter, nature is to go to Wuhan to watch the game with them. These days of her early reaction has been greatly improved, in addition to brush your teeth, there was a queasy feeling, and usually eat what has been restored to normal, no longer then toss, so she clamored to keep up to go, they let her come.
The Guanglin a pedestrian is to sit with the Nanyang Model High School with the first flight arrived in Wuhan, the plane, this Shanghai sea Division Jinguan Jun teams are not subject to media attention, the body of newspaper reporters are relatively more concerned about the Nanyang exemplary players After all, people last year, scored the final of the Southern District this year, or favorites, especially the bird bears won last year in rebounds per game data, if the two teams separate to the wide one of this teams may also concern by point ,

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

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